
The Cyberpunk District in Decentraland

Land Allocation

It is now time to allocate your Aetheria Land contributions!!!

Deadline is Dec 31, 2018, at 23:59 PM UTC

Those who contributed Land to Aetheria during the Decentraland district contributions period in 2017 now have the opportunity to allocate portions of their land to private use and/or community use, using the Aetheria Land Allocation application.


What is this Allocation process for?

This is the process by which those of you who contributed land to Aetheria in 2017 can now choose how to allocate that land.  You can allocate some or all of your land to one or the other of the following choices:

  1. Privately-Allocated Land.  This is land that you can then use in any legal way you wish, consistent with the Cyberpunk aesthetic theme of the district.  If you wish, you can work out ways of monetizing your land, such as renting it out, or putting a commercial activity on it.
  2. Community-Allocated Land.  This is land that you are permanently contributing to the district, for roads, walls, the Fractus Club, and other public facilities, as well as for facilities that the district can use to generate income to operate and improve the district over time.  Also, in recognition of your contributing land to Community use, you will be able to qualify for receiving “digital asset license royalties” for your Community-Allocated contribution when you provide KYC information.  More details are provided in the detailed documents available to contributors in the Discord contributors channels.  In planning the layout of our district, we are hoping people contribute at least 1/3 of their parcels to Community-Allocated Land, but this is entirely up to you.

How do I allocate the land that I contributed to Aetheria?

For privately-allocated land you should do the following, and complete it before Dec 31, 2018 at 23:59 UTC

  1. Read the terms and conditions and instructions here:
    also available here:!AsefCwvzCO50kZYQunsMbGgeq1r6AQ
  2. You make a copy of the following Google Doc private land proposal template:
    or this Word Doc version of the template:!AsefCwvzCO50kZYCaHBJEBboCqRb7g
  3. You fill it out as fully as possible.  If you have multiple private parcels, you may include them in the same doc.
  4. You put your proposal doc into the cloud (Google Docs or Office online), and make it commentable by anyone that has the link.
  5. You also make a PDF version of the same doc, and also share it in the cloud to anyone who has the link
  6. You submit your proposal via the dApp link below.
  7. You include the two links to your proposal (doc and pdf) in the links field of the 2nd page of the dApp form
  8. If you contributed from more than one Ethereum adddress, complete this process for each one.

How do I Get to the Allocation DAPP?


How does the Allocation dApp work?

You visit the Allocation dApp in your browser.  Be sure to have MetaMask logged into the account from which you contributed to Aetheria.

If you see an indication that you don’t have any land to allocate, double check that you are using the right account.

MetaMask is not going to be conducing any currency transactions, and no fees will be charged.  Your results are being recorded off-chain for speed and so it will be free to you.  MetaMask will first be checked for the account, and then at the end, when you submit the form, you will be asked to approve the signature of your submission.  That is not a financial transaction.

On the dApp form, you provide your contact information, and how much land you want to allocate to private use and to community use.

Then, for your Privately-Allocated land, you indicate the size of the one or more plots you want allocated in Aetheria (they must be square or rectangular).  And you also provide at least a brief text description. You also provide the two links to your private proposal documents, as instructed above.  All private plot requests submitted by the deadline will be honored, but the better the proposal, the better priority you will receive in placement of your land.  Finally, you submit this information and approve (sign) the submission with your MetaMask wallet.

What if I Contributed From More Than One ETHEREUM ACCOUNT?

Fill out the form for each one.

  1. Set MetaMask to one of your accounts.
  2. Reload the form.
  3. Fill it out and submit.

Repeat the above steps for each of your accounts.

How Long Does the Allocation Event remain open?

Only until Dec 31, 2018 23:59 UTC;
There is also a countdown counter shown in the dApp indicating the end of the allocation period.

What Happens After the Allocation Event is Over?

After Dec 31, the leadership team will begin laying out a district map that makes use of the Community-Contributed land to establish the District/Community facilities (roads, walls, Fractus Club, and facilities for generating revenue for district operation and improvement).

Then we will work through the best private land proposals that were provided in the Allocation Event to decide how to begin laying out private land to make sense for the “urban design” of the district.

Finally, since we have hundreds of contributors, we may use some automation to fill in the bulk of the private land plots, maximizing accessibility to roads to the extent that is possible.

Keep in mind that Decentraland probably won’t be open to the public until at least mid 2019, so in the meantime we will be prototyping and testing the district facilities, providing guidance to contributors about how to prepare and prototype the development of your Privately-Allocated plots, and looking for help and talent from the community to put this all together.

For some additional information about the schedule, please refer to the Schedule section in the Terms and Conditions document that is shared above as well as in the contributors channel of our Discord server.

Once we go live, will the land be held in a multisig wallet, or will it be distributed to me personally?

All community and private-use land in the district will be held long term in the district multisig wallet. Build rights will be delegated for private land plots.

What if I change my Mind About my Allocation?

You may update your allocation choices, by simply filling out the form again and resubmitting it, as often as you wish, any time before the end of the event.  Each submission you make replaces the previous one for that account.

Once the allocation period ends, your allocation is no longer changeable.

We do anticipate that there will be mechanisms in the future by which contributors can swap allocations, and eventually even trade their land benefits and rights.  No definite design or dates are set for such possibilities yet.

Do I have to Pay Ethereum Gas Fees for Allocating my Contribution?

No, your submission is being recorded off-chain, so it is free.  You must use MetaMask so that the app can verify that you were a contributor, look up how much you contributed, and prove that you are the owner of the account.

Where Should I Report a Problem with the dApp or Ask a Question About Using It?

In the support-dapp channel of the Aetheria Discord server.  But first read the troubleshooting message that is pinned there.

What Happens to Unclaimed Land?

Land that is not explicitly allocated by its contributor during the allocation period will automatically become community land. That contributor could still qualify for royalties like any other community land contributor if they submit KYC, as will be legally required later.

How will Community Land be developed?

Community land will be developed partly by the district operating entity, and partly by anyone who submits an excellent proposal for using community land in ways beneficial to the district and community.
For more information, about how to submit a proposal for the use of some Community Land, see the Community page.

When will the KYC be required for community land Contributors to receive royalties, and when will royalties be paid?

We may receive district revenue in 2019 sufficient to justify royalty payments in early 2020.  Otherwise they will roll over to the following year.  We will ask for the legally-required KYC (Know Your Customer) identity and contact info sometime in the second half of 2019. There are many details to work out first.

How and Where is this ALLOCATION PROCESS being announced?

We have announced this in the Contributors Channel of the Aetheria Discord server and the Aetheria channel of the Decentraland Discord server. Discussion and FAQs are hosted in the contributors channel of our Aetheria Discord server.

We have announced this via our Twitter feed, and added a comment on the original GitHub district proposal. We have also informed some of the popular Decentraland media outlets.

How do I join the Aetheria Discord server and the conversation there?

Anyone can join the Aetheria Discord server, where some of the channels are open to the public, using the Discord invitation link on the Contact Us! page.  Discord is where most of the conversations about Decentraland and its districts are taking place.

How Do I Join the Private, Contributor-only Channels in the Aetheria Discord Server?

If you contributed Land to Aetheria and you haven’t yet joined our Discord server, please do so using the link the Contact Us! page.

Then please take the time to read the pinned messages in the announcements channel and follow the instructions there to join the contributor information channel.

What if I Have a Question Not Answered here?

Ask it in Discord.

There is a special channel in Discord for contributor support for using the Allocation App (support-dapp).

How can I Buy Land in Aetheria?

It is not possible to buy land in Aetheria at this time, although there are expected to be ways to rent land in the district in the future.  Further into the future it may be possible to acquire rights and benefits in the district.

How ELSE can I Get Involved in Aetheria?

Whether or not you contributed land to Aetheria, if you would like to get involved in helping to build Aetheria, we need developers, 3D artists, project managers, writers, social media gurus, community liaisons, etc.

We need you…. Get Involved!

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Theme by Anders Norén